The Speeches
Here are the speeches that were given at dinner. Relive them, or read them if you missed out on hearing them. More will be added as we receive them.
Best Man, Johann
"I just made it up. I just talked about how surprised I was that you would ask me to be your best man, and that we hadn't seen each other in years. But the more I thought about it the more I realized that in being on a boat with a person you learn so much about their character and who they really are that being asked to be a part of such an important event is not so strange."
Johann also wrote a shanty especially for the occasion, leading the partying in a rousing song:
Preston and Lynne's Wedding Shanty!
(to the tune of "South Australia" sea shanty)
Now wedding party sing with me
They've said their vows, tied the knot
Wedding party sing with glee
It's Lynne and Preston's wedding
When I met Preston on my ship
His impression to the crew was quite the hit
We said, "What do you think now tell no lies"
All he could say was "I love you guys"*
He sailed on the boat three years or more
For all of us it wasn't a bore
For Preston loved to sing and dance
And drink himself dumb when he had the chance
But then came another era for him
He went to school and there met Lynne
When Preston met Lynne he hadn't a clue
That his intentions with her were all see-through
It turns out that they both were nerds
Now they've sealed their bonds with precious words
Now take your glasses skyward raise
May you both be happy the rest of your days!
*Groom's note: this really happened verbatim, amazingly with the rhymes and all.
Maid of Honor, Lauren
Hello everyone. For you all who don't know me, my name is Lauren, I'm Lynne's little sister and today I have the pleasure of being her maid of honor. As the little sister, I think it's only fair to start this speech back when we were both a lot shorter.
Lynne, then Brittany, was my idol from the time I was old enough to have an idol until, well, now. I followed her around everywhere when we were kids. Yes, I was THAT little sibling, the one who never lets you and your friends have a moment of peace and quiet. But unlike most older siblings, she was never mean about me tagging along. Actually my fellow bridesmaid, Kamery was one of Lynne's friend I tagged along with so many times I now get to call her a sister too.
So that worked out well for me.
I remember this one incident with Lynne really well. I must have been like 4(?), so Lynne would have been like 6. Anyway, we were in the car, and this was during the time before Lynne started disliking country, and this song comes on and I get really excited because I remembered it being our favorite song, but Lynne says she doesn't like it. So of course after that I didn't like it, either.
That's little sister love, I guess. Her favorite ice cream was (and is) cookie dough. Mine was too. Her favorite movie as a kid was Star Wars. Mine too.
So I'll bet you'll be surprised to hear that when she met Preston, I wasn't his greatest fan. But we'll get to that later. Something to look forward to.
Lynne never did complain that I was incapable of forming my own opinions. She let me be her tag along without complaint, even when I followed her around at summer camp and Brownies.
And when we got older, that selflessness never left.
When we shared a room in college and I obsessed over homework, she was always around to whine too, and while I'm sure she got really really sick of hearing it, she never told me to go away. Although she did tell me to relax and go to bed more than once.
And last summer when I was studying for the Bar exam, I told her I had no place to go after my lease ended. Her response: "Stay here." I'm not even sure Preston got a vote in that one. They have a one bedroom apartment. I slept in their living room. Not once did they complain. Twice, I told them I needed quiet for some practice exam or another, and they left the apartment all day so I could study.
Now back to Preston. Let's just rewind the clock for a bit. These two started dating in 2009. In 09, Obama was just sworn in. Michael Jackson was still alive. And everyone was still scared about the swine flu. Lynne was my roommate at the time and, let's be honest, pretty much my only college friend. Then suddenly this guy comes along and there goes my sister, spending all her time with him.
I just want to remind you, Preston, I had her first.
One day at CSUN, Lynne points at some guy and says, "That's the guy I had lunch with today." She seemed excited, but I guess I didn't pick it up at the time. A couple days later, they have a first date. Less than twelve hours after dropping her off, Preston calls her. And invites to go to Hawaii with him.
So much for the three day rule.
I guess right then we all should have seen this day coming. I for one have never seen two people so determined to be together. Lynne used to commute to CSULB from Valley Village—we're talking 4 hours round trip—for Preston. The summer after they met, Preston would get up early…well before noon, to drive up to Palmdale and meet Lynne for lunch.
I managed to dislike the guy for a year. Then one night Lynne gets a very upset phone call from her little sister, and invites her over for dinner the next night at her boyfriend's apartment. Preston makes me my favorite (spaghetti carbonara), virgin cocktails (because I was too young to drink). After that night he became my big brother.
Even now, six years later, whenever I go to their apartment, they have notes they left for each other on the fridge. They text all day, every day. Lynne told me once that when you're really in love, you want to show the other person, you want to display your affection, all the time, every day. Well guys, I think we can safely say that these two have a kind of love most of us merely aspire to.
Father of the Bride, David
Preston's and Lynne's Family and Friends. It is great to see such a great group of people here today and a representation of Lynne and Preston’s character.
Just a few words. As you know, Lynne and Preston are both brilliant engineers. Which reminds me of some jokes involving engineers and lawyer, but I will save that for later. Lynne and Preston are both engineers, they are both very smart, but are they good for each other? They seem to be. They both are successful, smart, well grounded. They look like a great couple, but are they really good for each other? I had a problem figuring this out though. As you know, they are never seen apart. Never. This posed a dilemma for me. Is Preston any good? He seems to be, but I never really spent time with him away from Lynne in order to test him.
I obviously know Lynne. She is smart, compassionate, caring, considerate, Godly, and of course beautiful. When Lynne was growing up, I discovered very quickly when helping her with her homework that first, she has a photographic memory, and second, she is brilliant at math. Which explains her education and career choices. I could go on and on about how good Lynne is.
But Preston. Is he any good? I never could seem to get him away from Lynne for more than a few minutes. That was until 2 weeks ago when Lynne approved Preston for a bachelor party. Preston was finally away from Lynne for a few days and fortunately Preston invited me. Preston arranged an overnight sailing trip on the Lady Washington, something I had been wanting to do for some time. I’ll admit that I was a little worried…a bachelor party…on a tall ship…with drunken sailors… we may be lost a sea by morning. I was more than relieved to find out that this was a professional operation and no drinking was allowed. I really enjoyed this overnight trip and I think I got the bug for sailing, so Yohan…I am ready to sign up for an 8 month voyage! But what I really enjoyed the most was getting to know Preston better and seeing him in his element, doing something he is really passionate about. I got to observe his passion, leadership skills, his professionalism, his interaction with Yohan and the crew. But most importantly I got to observe Preston by himself. And I am impressed. Preston is just a really good guy and I see why Lynne likes him. After this trip, I no longer have a concern about Preston. And Preston, thanks for the invite and thanks for your time.
Upon reflecting on this trip I discovered a couple of quotes that reminds me of Lynne and Preston:
Newton: I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself, now and then, in finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.
Tolstoy: "true pleasure lies not in the discovery of truth, but in the search for it."
Lynne and Preston, there is a lot out there to discover and I hope you will enjoy the journey in pursuit of God’s truth. You are a perfect match. I am very happy for you both. I have prayed and will continue to pray for all of God’s Blessings for your life ahead.
Mother of the Groom, Nattha
Good evening ladies and gentlemen, family and friends. I am the mother of the groom. I would like to thank you everybody for being here today to honor the union of my son, Preston, and his beautiful bride... Lynne.
The time goes by so fast. I still remember the day he was born, on May 24, 1984. It seem like just yesterday, he is a true blessing in my life. Since he was born from that day until today he has accomplished so much with his life. He never disappointed me; always make me proud
Congratulations. Preston on your choice. It shows that you are no longer a boy but a man. I want to tell you something you might not known about woman. A woman is like a beautiful ivory: expensive and delicate. So love and handle your wife with great care.
I wish you both nothing but happiness all the day of your lives and I am looking forward to hold Preston Junior and being a grandma. ♥
Father of the Groom, Bulchai
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen.
For those of you who don't know me, I am Bulchai, father of the groom Preston.
First of all, I would like to thank every one who help to make this celebration happen, and a million thanks to all of you who manage to be here on this fantastic wedding ceremony of the 2 great young man and woman name Preston and Lynne.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are surrounded by so many friends and family members who have been very important to us. Some have travelled hundreds or even thousands miles, just to be here. We are also at the highest extra ordinary honored to have Khun Jesada Katavetin, Thai General Consulate of Los Angeles office here. We feel very privileged to have him and all of you here sharing this special day with us.
Thank you very much to all for coming.
My job today may be to talk about the groom, Preston. I can think for lot of stories that I could talk for all day. But I think the only matter about him is this.
Preston, you are a good boy, good son, good young adult and good citizen. You are helpful and kind. You are going to be a good or may be the best husband, I believe. We are very proud of you and we love you so much.
Lynne, you are a great beautiful lady. You are bright and smart, lovely and friendly. I would like to say to you and your parents that it is the highest honor to accept Preston to be your husband and accept our family to be a part of your life. We love you too. We promise to love and take care you as you are our real daughter in our family and probably better than Preston. Haha
Now it is the time to toast again. Would you all please rise join me to wish the Bride and Groom, Lynne and Preston, a long and happy married life together.
Thank you.